EaSTE QAED LMS Training All Module Keys For PSTs

EaSTE QAED LMS Training for all primary school teachers (PSTs) complete answer keys for all modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 activities and self-assessment. Download the solution for the LMS recently launched by the British Council and Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development Punjab.

Module 1 answer keys are uploaded while the remaining modules keys will be uploaded according to the schedule of the training. Duration of Module 1 training completion is 2 months starting form January 2023.

All the PSTs working in the school education department of Punjab are advised to attend this teacher training, according to the schedule provided by the assistant education officers. While the QAED also issued the training completion schedule for all teachers.

The basic purpose of this training is to promote the English language in the primary schools of Pakistan. This training lasts more than three years. This EaSTE training will train over 2 lac trainers using the learning management system provided by QAED Academy.

QAED LMS MODULE 2 Unit 1 Solved Activities:

All Punjab government teachers can download the solved activities of EASTE PST Training Module 2 unit 1 all activities with answer keys in pdf.

Module 2 Unit 1Activities/Keys
Unit 2 & 3Download
Unit 4 solved ActivitiesDownload
Unit 1, 2, 3, 4 Solved Activities

EaSTE QAED LMS Training MODULE 1 Unit 1 Keys:

Activity NameAnswer
Reflection ActivityGive any opinion
Pause for thoughtAgree/Disagree
Self-Assessment ListGive 5 for all Choices
Oral Communication Skill1. Oral
2. Oral & Written
3. Oral
4. Written
5. Written
6. Written
7. Oral
8. Oral & Written
9. Oral
10. Oral & Written
11. Written
Oral Communication Textbook1. Unit 3, 5, 8
2. Unit 9
3. Unit 7
4. Unit 1
5. Unit 7
Activity1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. Littel
6. /ǝ/
7. Bird
8. There
9. /ʃ/
10. /z/
Helping Learners with sound problems1. Mime sounds
2. Know
3. Repeat after
4. Practise
StressLonger, louder, and higher pitched
Sentence Stress1. Main verbs, nouns, adjectives
2. Auxiliary verbs
Innovation1. A variety of emotions
2. Statements
3. Questions
Self-AssessmentGive your personal opinion
EaSTE Module 1 Keys

EaSTE LMS Module 1 Unit 2 Keys:

Module 2 answer keys for all activities and assessment in QAED learning management system (LMS) are here. Download the keys for module 2 after the completion of training for module 1. For details and complete method of solving all activities watch the below video completely.

Module 2 KeysDownload
EaSTE Training Keys

Unit 3 Activities Answers:

Download Module 1 Unit number 3 all activities solution in which all questions with correct answer keys are given with step by step explaination.

Unit 4 Module 1 EaSTE Training PSTs Keys:

Before you start solving the activities let me explain some activities with questions and answers.

Question No:1 How does the first teacher put her students into groups?

Answer: The correct answer is: She gives them pictures of animals. The students have to find the other students with the same animal and sit with them. This warmer means the students can interact in English before they even start the task.

Question No:2 Why does the teacher say, ‘Will you work alone?

Answer: This is an Instruction-Checking Question. It can be tempting just to ask the students, ‘Do you understand?’ but students can answer that they do, when in fact they don’t.

Unit 5 Activities Keys:

Download all activities with answers in pdf like opinions, assessment, drag & drop, true, false, and thinking activities.

Unite 6 All Activities Answer Keys:

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