CBSE Admit card for the class X Examinations which scheduled to start from
15.02.2023. All schools which are affiliated with the CBSE are now able to download the Admit Card of their Private & Regular candidates from February 7, 2023.
CBSE Admit Cards through CBSE Website for the year 2023 annual examination contain the following information:
- Roll No.
- Date of Birth (only for class X)
- Name of Examination
- Cadidate’s Name
- Mothers Name
- Father’s/Guardian’s Name
- Name of examination centre
- Category of PwD
- Admit Card ID
- Subjects in which appearing with date of examination
While the 10th class result 2023 of CBSE is already schedule here.
CBSE Admit Card 2023 Guidelines For Students:
- No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination center after 10 a.m.
- To enter the examination hall with the stationary items permitted by CBSE, a school identity card and school uniform are required.
- Candidates are requested to visit the examination center at least one day prior to the date of the examination so that they can easily reach it before 10 a.m. on the days of the examination.
- Candidates should leave for the examination center, keeping in mind weather conditions, traffic conditions, etc.
- Candidate and his or her mother, father, or guardian must check the particulars mentioned in the admit card and sign at the appropriate place after verifying the particulars, including the photo and its correctness.
- Mobile phones with GPS or any other electronic devices are permitted to the examination center.
- Students are requested to read and adhere to the important instructions given in the admit card and amended rules for unfair practices.